The ICMIMT submission system (Online Submission System) is available here: the Link (recommended method) or via Email:
Authors are invited to submit research and application papers according the following guidelines: two columns, single-spaced, including figures and references, using 10 pt fonts and number each page. For the conference submission papers are classified into 3 categorizes representing original, previously unpublished work: full paper (5 pages at least); abstract (it is accepted with oral presentations only).
Formating Instructions / template:
Please read the template instructions carefully before submitting a paper, they can be found here. (WORD & LATEX)
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition. Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published work, or plagiarism constitutes dishonesty or fraud. ICMIMT, like other scientific and technical conferences and journals, prohibits these practices and may take action against authors who have committed them.
Instruction of Presentations
Oral Presentation
Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes long. Please target your presentation for a duration of about 12 minutes for the presentation plus ab. 3 minutes for questions from the audience. The paper must be presented by one of the author or co-authors. Oral presentations are to be made either using your laptop or the PC that will be available in the session room (Windows system + Power point). Please come to the session room with your laptop or pen drive having your presentation file. There will be a volunteer on hand to assist in starting each presentation. Authors must prepare their oral presentations to be sure to convey their message in clear and sharp manner, including giving outline of the key principles, facts and results. More detailed discussions can continue during the breaks.
Poster Presentation
Size: A1
Layout: Vertical and one page needed
Be consistent with font (3 fonts max).
Use italics, underlining & capitals sparingly.
Charts/Tables: keep simple, enlarge text, thicken lines; default formatting is rarely appropriate. Colour scheme: use 2-3 different colours plus black, which is always best for the smallest text. Use colours from your images or a colour wheel (analogous, complementary or shades). You must provide your own printout of the poster itself. We expect that at least one author stands by the poster for (most of the time of) the duration of the poster session. This is essential both to present your work to anyone interest into it and to make sure that your presence is verified by one of the session chairs. Posters will be on display in the conference room.